Sunday, 15 March 2015

Developments and Changes of my storyboard

When looking back at my storyboard, my narrative has not changed much at all, as I have stuck to my original ideas, however through development and ideas that I kept receiving from feedback from peers, teachers and even family I have added and changed only a few aspects from my storyboard such as adding lip syncing to the video and clip overlays to create a different effect to what I originally wanted. 

From storyboard you can see that my original idea was to link the lyrics to the imagery as   much as possible so that the linear narrative can be understood easily. I designed this idea in my storyboard and used it in my final media product. For example when the lyrics say 'When your on my road walking me home home home home', I have the couple walking down a road together as though they are walking home which is a direct link to the lyrics. 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

final music video

Overall I am very happy with the end result of my final piece, throughout the process of creating my music video I encountered several problems such as last minute actress change and having to reshoot certain shots due to problems with cameras. After overcoming these problems and when I began editing there was a few issues I found with the final cut pro because I was not familiar with the programme, but after watching editing tutorials on YouTube editing was no problem, as you can see through my blog all my drafts before I finally got to my final piece. In conclusion I am really happy with my music video and glad the narrative has worked out well. If I was to do this project again I don't think I would change creating a narrative video as I really enjoyed the aspect of creating a story through this medium, however I would of liked to add some more editing techniques. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Magazine Advert : Existing Products - Conventions Research

Before drafting and beginning to design my poster advert I have researched existing products of artists and bands to find the key conventions that create a magazine advert. Below are examples of my research; 

After analyzing existing products, I know understand what key features are needed to create a successful and affective album magazine advert. For example the main conventions used are; name of band/artist and album, color scheme, name of singles/songs featured on the album, main image linking to album, key information such as release dates, websites and reviews from well-known music magazines. When it comes to creating my own magazine advert poster I will include some of these conventions to make it look as professional as possible.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

YouTube Tutorials

As I was unfamiliar with using final cut pro, I decided to look at YouTube video tutorials on how to use the software correctly. Here are some of the tutorials that I used when creating my music video; 

The above tutorial is the full tutorial for final cut pro, as this video is 36 minutes long I did not watch the whole video and decided just to look at the beginning to get an initial idea of how to use the software then try it out for myself then search more specific tutorials on just a certain affect or edit. Below are some further tutorials that I used when creating my video; 

music video draft five

Changes New Ideas

Whilst editing my video together after some feedback from my peers and teachers I found that a key convention people really wanted to see in my video is lip syncing, so to fill in a cap towards the end of my video I decided to add lip syncing. As Dan is the main character in the video, it is important to portray this so I have asked him to lip sync part of the song. I have asked Dan when he is available to do the filming and managed to arrange the filming for Tuesday 3rd March during our lunch break as there is not loads to be filmed and can be done within an hour. The location for this part of the video just needs to be a brick wall background so this was easy to organise as me and Dan did not have to travel far to shoot. I asked Dan to wear the same clothes he had worn in the previous shoots for continuity reasons.